Nothing but sun, sea and red wine: Travelling up and down the Côte d’Azur

Oh France, I am officially in love with you. A couple of red wines, one glance at the amazing sea-view and maybe a dash of sun-stroke was all it took to know that the Côte d’Azur is where I want to be. Continue reading Nothing but sun, sea and red wine: Travelling up and down the Côte d’Azur

FitFest Oxford 2019: The Summer of a Healthier and Happier You

As summer nears, so does our incessant need to gain that ‘perfect bikini body’. This year however, I cannot stress enough how important focusing on just simply being healthy is – and FitFest Oxford, the annual wellbeing and fitness event, is the ideal place to show you how to do just that. Continue reading FitFest Oxford 2019: The Summer of a Healthier and Happier You

Period Poverty: but what about homeless women?

Following Phillip Hammond’s promise to ensure that young females who come from low-income families, and may be experiencing period poverty, will now receive free sanitary products within their secondary schools from September onward. As well as the most recent announcement that primary school girls will receive free sanitary products as of next year too, it seems that the government has officially taken its first steps in … Continue reading Period Poverty: but what about homeless women?